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Rensselaer County

Soil & Water Conservation District's


In many rural areas throughout Rensselaer County, there is a lack of municipal fire hydrants which impairs the ability of local fire departments to do their job efficiently and quickly. Dry hydrants are crucial in battling fire department related matters. 


The Rensselaer County SWCD recently implemented a program for Dry Hydrants within the county. The SWCD is seeking input and interest from local fire departments. The SWCD can offer assistance relevant to:


Surveying & Mapping;

Existing condition plans;

Seeding and mulching on exposed soils resulting from the installation;

Environmental Permitting with government agencies;

Provide erosion control materials including but not limited to siltation fencing to reduce water quality impacts during the installation and;

Possible funding available for the dry hydrant materials.  


This program relies on the fire departments and local highway departments to help provide the necessary heavy equipment and labor for the dry hydrant installation and regular maintenance.  To reduce environmental impacts, support for the installation would occur between July 1st and September 30th.


Eligibility would be based on need, current hydrant status within the district, location and ownership of the land (requires landowner permission), capacity of the water holding structure (available water volume), accessibility (by heavy equipment and fire trucks), protection of the hydrant head (from traffic, snowplows, etc.), and road safety (good visibility, sufficient pull off).



Please contact our SWCD's Intern and local Volunteer Firefighter, Laura Bornt, at to inquire for assistance and for a site visit.  


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