One of the primary functions of the Rensselaer County Soil and Water Conservation District is to assist farmers and the general public in obtaining funding for projects. The objective of these different grants is broad but generally they're used to conserve the environment and help local farms achieve this.

CRF (Climate Resilient Farming)
The goal of the Climate Resilient Farming (CRF) Program is to reduce the impact of agriculture on climate change (mitigation) and to increase the resiliency of New York State farms in the face of a changing climate (adaptation).
Program grant funds are available for projects that mitigate the impact of agriculture on climate change for greenhouse gas emissions reduction and carbon sequestration, in addition to enhancing the on-farm adaptation and resiliency to projected climate conditions due to heavy storm events, rainfall, and drought.
The program is a competitive grant program, with funds applied for and awarded through county Soil and Water Conservation Districts on behalf of farmers in one of three project categories: agricultural waste storage cover and flare for methane reduction, on-farm water management, and soil health systems. Projects that may have historically applied for the Agricultural Non-point Source Abatement and Control program may be able to fill funding gaps through the CRF. State funds come from the New York State Environmental Protection Fund.

RFP 0323 - Agricultural Nonpoint Source Pollution Abatement and Control Program
The Department invites Soil and Water Conservation Districts, or groups of Districts acting jointly, to submit proposals for funding under the Agricultural Nonpoint Source Abatement and Control Program. Program funds are available for nonpoint source abatement and control projects that plan (AEM Tier III) or implement (AEM Tier IV) Agricultural Best Management Practice Systems on New York State farms. All projects must consist of activities that will reduce, abate, control, or prevent nonpoint source pollution originating from agricultural sources. Applications must be for one of the following: planning activities (AEM Tier III), OR implementation (AEM Tier IV).
The Agricultural Nonpoint Source Abatement and Control Program aims to reduce and/or prevent the nonpoint source contribution from agricultural activities in watersheds across the state.
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